Ludwig Drives Consumers With Killers Test Drive Offer
(Ludwig | Posted 2007-01-09)

Ludwig Drums has announced a new promotion designed to “drive” consumers to Ludwig dealers. With the winning consumer receiving two VIP tickets and backstage passes to a Killers concert and the chance to meet Killers’ Ludwig drummer Ronnie Vannucci, Ludwig simply asks consumers to “test drive” a Ludwig outfit at their favorite Ludwig dealership. Consumers can also win a Ludwig Blue Ice drum outfit or a coveted Black Beauty snare drum.
The promotion is being marketed in major drum magazines and on-line both on the Ludwig site and on several consumer music websites. In total, Ludwig has purchased three million online impressions, as well as print advertising. Consumers will be directed to Ludwig dealers where they can try Ludwig drum outfits and pick up an entry form for the contest. The promotion will run through March 2007.
“This is one of the largest promotions have Ludwig has ever done,” said Dana Jo Cox, national director of sales for Ludwig. “Dealer can take advantage of this huge marketing effort by having several outfits on display and ready for trial. Our new point-of-purchase materials tie those displays with today’s hottest artists, and this promotion drives consumers to the stores. We are confident that when consumers see the value of today’s Ludwig products, they will choose Ludwig over other brands.”
For contest rules, visit Ludwig ( is a division of Conn-Selmer, Inc. Conn-Selmer, Inc., the largest manufacturer of band and orchestral instruments and accessories in the United States, is a subsidiary of Steinway Musical Instruments, Inc. To contact Conn-Selmer, write to P.O. Box 310, Elkhart, IN 46515-0310 U.S.A. or visit