PRS Guitars Teams Up with
(PRS | Posted 2007-06-21)

Paul Reed Smith Guitars would like to congratulate the seven bands dubbed by as the indieImmortal7. is a new music website that features 365 of the world’s best independent bands, ONE band a day™, everyday. Paul Reed Smith Guitars sponsored the indieImmortal7 contest, which gave the most popular bands the honor of kicking off the first seven days of the year-long indie showcase. Winning bands include Rise of Abundance, B for Eveline, Keating, Acid Eyeliner, littleSUNDAY, Chris Ning and Ken Tizzard.
When littleSUNDAY was asked to describe what it meant to be part of this exclusive group, they said it’s “like being permanently glued to the Top 10 Billboard Charts and keeping your position forever.”
Bands featured on indieSolo will get the spotlight for one day | 24 hours |1,440 minutes to promote their music, vibe, and brand to a world audience. Johnny Ioannou, CEO and Founder of indieSolo said, “IndieSolo is truly about music promotion and discovery, artist empowerment and community. He further notes, “Our goal is to create a place that fosters an emotional connection between the fan and band. By making only ONE band the focus all day, fans will get an up-close and intimate look at them.”
Auditions are now open at indieSolo. If your band is ready to take their music careers to the next level and wants the spotlight, apply today.