Plug & Air with PODCASTUDIO: Behringer at IFA 2007
(Behringer | Posted 2007-09-01)

Bert Niedermeyer, BEHRINGER’s Product Manager for Computer Based Recording, observes: ”Podcasts and demo uploads on,,, and other digital music portals are great tools to share audio creations – no matter whether it’s music or a talk show. They’re free and you don’t need Abbey Road Studios quality to be appreciated by others. It’s a ‘grassroots recording culture’ which arose from the Internet over the years and paved the way for many more people to become actively involved in music and audio production. A very nice development in my eyes, increasing overall diversity and quality of productions and not allowing professionals to rest on their laurels”.
“Based on our long-standing studio gear experience, we offer professional recording tools for all needs. With our web musicians and podcast fans in mind, we packaged some of our latest products into two all-inclusive, plug & play solutions, enabling podcasting and digital music enthusiasts to get started quickly and with no hassle. In our studios-in-a-box, you will find a microphone, a mixer, an interface and headphones, as well as extensive editing, recording and, of course, podcasting software” comments Bert on BEHRINGER’s offers on display at IFA in Berlin from 31 August to 5 September 2007.
“Our PODCASTUDIO USB bundle is really the ultimate tool for podcasters, featuring a dynamic microphone particularly suited for the spoken word, a tiny mixer to take anywhere, a USB interface to connect your laptop without the need for further installation, as well as the necessary RSS feed and podcast consumer software such as Podifier, PodNova, Juice and Golden Ear.
To top it off, you get easy-to-use recording software and the world’s most famous audio editing software, Audacity.
If you are more into music production, you might find that the bigger brother PODCASTUDIO FireWire is the right bundle for you. The PODCASTUDIO FireWire features a studio quality microphone, an 8 input mixer as well as a FireWire interface, bundled with Ableton Live Lite 4 BEHRINGER Edition, Kristal and Audacity audio editing software.
“So, whatever your message to the world might be, let yourself be heard! Try the BEHRINGER PODCASTUDIO bundles at Booth 102 in Hall 11.1.! “ Bert concludes.