Yamaha Releases New Drivers, Editors, and Firmware
(Yamaha | Posted 2007-09-24)

Yamaha Corporation of America announces new driver, editor, and firmware updates, making a host of products compatible with Intel-based Macs (Universal Binary) and the new Windows Vista operating system. Among the updates are V1.1.0 updates of Yamaha's Vocal Rack, Pitch Fix, Final Master, and 01X Channel Module VST plug-ins for Mac OS X. These updaters make current Yamaha VST effects compatible with Universal Binary. They require Mac OS X V10.4 or later and Cubase 4, Cubase Studio 4, or Cubase AI4.
Yamaha has also released AI Driver V1.1.0 for Mac OS X for the MOTIF XS8/mLAN16E2 and the new n12 and n8 FireWire Mixers. New firmware is also available for these products and required under Mac OSX when using these new drivers.
Finally, Yamaha has released new V2.2.0 Multi Part Editors/Voice Editors for the MOTIF ES, MOTIF-RACK ES, MO6/MO8, and S90ES. These new updates deliver Mac-Intel (Universal Binary) and Windows Vista compatibility.
These new updates can be downloaded at www.yamahasynth.com. For more information, write Yamaha Corporation of America, Pro Audio & Combo Division, Music Production, P.O. Box 6600, Buena Park, CA 90622; telephone (714) 522-9011; or e-mail infostation@yamaha.com.