DTV, UHF Spectrum and New FCC Regulations Loom Large: - X2 Offers Solution for Wireless Mic Users
(Press Release | Posted 2007-11-01)

X2's proprietary digital wireless technology provides a viable solution for wireless microphone users that will potentially be negatively impacted by UHF spectrum reallocation due to the DTV transition and proposed "White-space" devices and services. Typical wireless microphone systems have previously been protected as 'secondary' users of the broadcast television UHF spectrum (470 - 800 MHz). With each TV channel taking up 6 MHz of spectrum, think of this spectrum as 55 lanes on a highway. In 13 US cities, up to three TV channels between 14 and 20 are reserved for Commercial and Private Services - that leaves us with 48 lanes. Channel 37 is reserved for Radio Astronomy - so now we're down to 47 lanes. Channels 60 through 69 have been reserved for Emergency Communications - now we're down to 37 lanes.
On January 16, 2008 (a few months away!), the FCC is auctioning off Channels 52 through 59. These channels will be gone forever 13 months later - leaving 29 lanes. This is being thought of as an additional 'pipeline' or wireless alternative to cable and DSL services and is expected to bring in upwards of $10 billion in revenue for the US government. It should be noted that this frequency range is so valuable due to the fact that broadcasted signals here travel a long way, bend around and penetrate solid objects.
Proposed "White-space" Devices and Services:
Causing significant concern is the fact that the FCC is considering allowing unlicensed wireless devices to operate in the remaining theoretically unused UHF spectrum. These devices and services could include wireless broadband internet, cell-phones/PDAs, home networks and other consumer electronics.
Currently before congress are bills that would allow for the near immediate use of White-spaces (one within 6 months (S. 234 - John Kerry), and another by October 1 (S. 337 - John Sununu). Conversely, a bill was brought forth (H.R. 1320 - Bobby Rush) that would require White-space devices to demonstrate that they won't interfere with existing technology (ie. analog wireless microphones).
Technology Giants Vie for White-spaces:
Microsoft, Google, Apple, AT&T, Earthlink, Phillips, Dell, and HP are just some of the major technology companies with interests in devloping devices and services that utilitze White-space. Early tests had shown that prototypes still need more work. However, as recent as last Friday, September 21, Microsoft and Phillips filed results of their most recent test results that showed their devices effectively detected broadcast signals. In an ex parte document filed with the FCC, the companies said they had conducted over 1,000 measurements in New York and California and they determined that the prototype devices were able to detect over-the-air TV signals at very low power levels with 100 percent accuracy. A spokesman for the FCC said that Chairman Kevin Martin said at a recent press conference that the FCC is willing to do additional testing on prototype devices.
Will YOUR Wireless System Still Work?
Typical wireless microphones will have to compete at a minimum with DTV in a far more condensed UHF spectrum - a battle that can hardly be won with conventional technology. Possible scenarios range from analog wireless microphones no longer working (in this case, many would go back to a hardwire connection), to analog wireless systems continuing to operate albeit with a potentially negative impact to overall channel count and operational reliability.
It Will, If It's an X2 Digital Wireless!
X2's proprietary digital wireless technology surpasses all other manufactures in providing reliable wireless performance that is free from all of the issues and concerns explained above. This is achieved by:
1. Utilizing our proprietary TruDigital™ format to 100% lock out all other sources of interference. This is a strong claim and it's absolutely true. An X2 wireless is impervious to outside interference - you will never hear someone else's signal come through your audio system. To put it another way, should another wireless signal be present on your frequency, you will not be able to hear it. In the worst case, your maximum operating range will be limited and the system will simply mute once you've reached the maximum range. Take a step closer to the receiver and the system will smoothly unmute without any 'pops and clicks'.
2. By employing our Q-DiversityPLUS™ (anti-jamming) technology in the 902 - 928 MHz band you can operate an X2 system reliably all over the North and South American continents without any concern for DTV, FCC frequency reallocations or proposed White-space devices and services. An X2 system is designed to allow you to travel to any major city in North and South America and operate reliably without any problems.
Ask yourself the following questions:
1. "What is the single most important thing needed to operate a typical wireless system?"
The answer is: "An open frequency." Other manufacturers include hundreds if not thousands of frequencies with the hope being that you'll be able to find at least one to use, not to mention the hassle you'll go through scanning for an open frequency onboard the unit or via computer software.
2. "What is there less and less of?"
The answer is: "Open frequencies." X2 offers a digital wireless solution that will operate reliably during after and beyond the DTV transition. With the initial XDR Series you have five selectable channels that will work together all the time, everywhere you go in North and South America.
Bottom Line:
Will YOUR wireless system still work? It will if it's an X2 digital wireless system.