Information on Pro Tools Compatibility for Mac OS X Leopard Systems
(Press Release | Posted 2008-04-12)

Pro Tools HD® 7.4.1 software is now fully compatible with Mac OS X 10.5.1 (Leopard) when running on Apple’s current 8-core Mac Pro computers. For details on Pro Tools HD compatibility with Leopard on the 8-core Mac Pro, please visit the Pro Tools HD 7.4.1 Intel Mac Support page.
At this time, Pro Tools LE® and Pro Tools M-Powered™ systems are not yet compatible with Leopard, but please be assured that we are committed to bringing Leopard support to you as quickly as we can. We are currently working very closely with Apple in order to ensure that when the fully compatible versions of Pro Tools LE and M-Powered are released, they’ll adhere to the same levels of performance and stability that you have come to rely on day in and day out. We understand your frustration and apologize for any inconvenience this delay may cause, but we ask that you please bear with us and wait to upgrade your OS until we announce compatibility. Thanks for your patience — stay tuned...
As always, we appreciate your ongoing support and will do our best to get you up and running on the latest Mac platforms as quickly and reliably as possible.
Important — Please be aware that some currently shipping plug-ins and virtual instruments are not compatible with Pro Tools HD 7.4.1 running on Mac OS X 10.5.1, and some require that you update your plug-ins if an update is available. Before you install the Pro Tools HD 7.4.1 update, be sure to review the plug-in compatibility and update information here.
* Pro Tools HD 7.4.1 software works with Mac OS X 10.5.1 only, and is NOT compatible with Apple’s new Mac OS X 10.5.2 release. Please do not update your OS until we’ve made an official announcement about compatibility.