Native Instruments releases KONTAKT RETRO
(Native Instruments | Posted 2008-05-23)

Native Instruments today released KONTAKT
RETRO MACHINES, the latest addition to its KORE SOUNDPACK range
of high-quality sound libraries for KORE 2 and the free KORE PLAYER.
Based on material from the acclaimed KONTAKT 3 factory library,
KONTAKT RETRO MACHINES offers an essential collection of
charismatic vintage instruments that were formative for many electronic
music genres of the past decades. This includes various classic
synthesizers as well as several sought-after drum machines, with their
creative potential maximized through the powerful capabilities of the
KORE platform.
The sounds in KONTAKT RETRO MACHINES originate from 11
outstanding analog synths, five vintage digital synthesizers and six classic
drum machines, all captured in absolute studio-quality and with a
dedicated sample set for each of the over 130 included KoreSounds™.
The sonic arsenal provided is entirely faithful to a range of seminal sound
aesthetics that are still popular today, ranging from pioneering electronic
music of the ‘70s to the rough electro and hip-hop of the early ‘80s.
extensive use of the advanced capabilities of KORE 2 / KORE PLAYER
and of its integrated instrument and effect engines. Every instrument
sound offers eight distinct variations, organized in a concise scheme that
includes optional percussive, pad, solo/lead and arpeggiated flavors of
every preset. Authentic “vintage synth” operation is achieved through
special performance features like adjustable glide, unison, polyphonic
portamento, optional pure tuning mode and much more. All options are
provided in an intuitive and immediately accessible way through the
unique sound shaping and control features of the KORE platform and the
integrated KONTAKT engine.
Native Instruments is determined to firmly establish the KORE
SOUNDPACKS line as the most valuable, diverse and inspiring range of
sound material for studio and stage, and will release a substantial
number of additional libraries over the course of 2008.
Pricing and availability
KONTAKT RETRO MACHINES is now available for download purchase in
the NI Online Shop for $ 59 / 49 €.
Further product information and press material
Additional information on KONTAKT RETRO MACHINES is available at