VOX RELEASES NEW ONLINE TOOLS FOR CONSUMERS(Vox | Posted 2008-10-28) VOX Amplification is offering new tools designed to help consumers get the most of their online experience when researching and exploring VOX products, including new web tools on the VOX site, plus a new multimedia micro site. The re-vamped VOX site, www.voxamps.com, offers new content customized specifically for the U.S. Further, users can now create a custom profile and request information that relates solely to their market (available for the U.S. or the U.K.). A new VOX Toneroom area offers a place for patch sharing and is enhanced by a forums area for consumer discussion and ideas exchange. Overall, the site design has been refreshed as well, to offer a more streamlined yet edgy look. A new microsite, www.myjamvox.com, not only offers information about the new JamVOX, but also provides an engaging, informative video outlining the product’s features and capabilities. An interactive demo also allows users to “test drive” JamVOX’s proprietary GXT technology, which extracts the guitar part from a song. Other site features include a dealer locator, contest area and more.