Sabian Introduces New Aluminum and Bronze Bar Chimes for Drummers and Percussionists
(Chris Bereznay | Posted 2009-11-21)

Sabian, a brand with global recognition in the percussion industry, recently announced the introduction of Sabian Bar Chimes. This exciting new product is available in a softer aluminum configuration or the in your face tonal characteristics of bronze. All sets are suspended from a real wooden bar that the drummer can mount on his cymbal stand or any other similarly configured mount ith a screw top contraption. The bar chimes include 24 chimes that give a glistening, shimmering response in what Sabian calls a "cascading effect that is perfect for all types of music."
The product specialist for Sabian, a Mr. Mark Love, indicated that "bar chimes are popular with drummers and percussionists of all styles, from orchestral to hard rock. These Sabian models offer professional design and sound, with a solid oak bar and chime ties of high-strength nylon, and of course high-quality bars." The Sabian Bar Chimes are backed by Sabian's two-year warranty and come with a case for protection and carry.
Given that the product is manufactured with excellent materials like aluminum or bronze, real oak for the bar, and strong nylon ties, we're sure the bar chimes will hold up like most Sabian products - forever. The mode number for the Aluminum set is #61174A-24, and the model code for the Bronze set is #61174B-24.
Visit your favorite bricks and mortar or online percussion supply house soon to pick up a set. No MSRP was available at time of post.