Original Girl-Guitar Company Celebrates 10 Years of Empowering Females Worldwide and Creating The Girl Guitar Revolution
(Press Release | Posted 2009-12-16)

LOS ANGELES, CA – December 15, 2009 - The past 10 years has brought Founder and President of Daisy Rock Girl Guitars, Tish Ciravolo, museum inductions, numerous awards, motivational speeches to millions of girls, billions of media impressions touting the girl guitar revolution, the world’s first girl guitar/bass instructional books/CDs/DVDs, appearances in Guitar Hero®/Band Hero™, and the propulsion of the girls rock empowerment message far beyond the music industry through licensing partnerships—on top of rocking stages all over the country and most importantly, being a mother of two.
And that was just the first 10 years……..
The idea for Daisy Rock Girl Guitars was sparked from a drawing by Ciravolo’s daughter in the beginning of 2000. “The day my daughter Nicole made that drawing, it was like any other day,” Ciravolo reminisced. “She was the cutest 1 year old, and her favorite thing to draw was daisies” said Ciravolo. “I was enjoying her being a child, not like so many other days when it feels like you are just trying to keep up. She drew a daisy, I turned it into a guitar, and my motherly, protective, musician self decided, in that frozen moment, to create a better experience for her in the music industry. Maybe one day she could walk into a music store and feel like she was welcome to be part of this “club,” this culture, this awesome community of guitarists—regardless of gender. A community that I never felt welcomed into while being a musician in the ‘80s and ‘90s. This was my chance—my duty—to change the culture and provide her and all girls with a better, more inviting experience.”
Forging a new and unique path in a heavily male-dominated industry, Daisy Rock Girl Guitars made an immediate impression. Receiving acclaim from artists, press, and others in the music field, Ciravolo knew Daisy Rock was on a successful path. “Then, pink guitars popped up everywhere like wild weeds in the land of Daisy’s. Everyone tried it. Everyone embraced it.” Ciravolo continued, “The guitar industry acknowledged the change, and the music store dealer gladly accepted a new customer. And the artists believed in the passion and understood the mission.” The first artist to contact Daisy Rock was Wanda Jackson, “Queen of Rockabilly” and recent Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee who praised that Daisy Rock Girl Guitars “fit girls in all the right places.” Now 10 years later, the company boasts an artist roster of over 400 rockin’ females, and that number is increasing every day.
Daisy Rock Girl Guitars has also become the leading sponsor of girl rock camps throughout the world. In 2000, Daisy Rock partnered with the Rock and Roll Camp for Girls, one of the very first rock camps specifically geared towards females, by donating instruments. Ciravolo remembered, “I just wanted to try and inspire every single female to pick up a guitar or bass and play music. Make it matter; make it a part of her life. I wanted to help girls find their passion, live their dreams, and be part of this crazy thing that we all create… music. Girl rock camps have grown exponentially over the last 10 years, and Daisy Rock is a proud partner and main supporter of all girl rock camps worldwide. All in all, within the past 10 years, Daisy Rock has helped over 150,000 girls play guitar.
Available in 26 countries, Daisy Rock Girl Guitar continues to seek new ways to reach females around the world and support their dreams of playing guitar. “The most important recognition through all the media buzz, the hype, the museum inductions, and the growth? The GUITARS. Daisy Rock’s have always been really great playing and sounding guitars. That is where the movement meets the sustain, and the passion continues to grow, because the guitars are built extremely well, play fantastic, and sound amazing,” commented Ciravolo. “A decade of Daisy’s, and we’ve only just begun.”
Daisy Rock Girl Guitars offers a complete line of quality girl guitars designed to look and sound great, and to fit the female form. For more info and to find a dealer near you, visit daisyrock.com now!