TC Helicon's Voice Live Touch snags "Best in Show" at Summer NAMM in Nashville
(Dave Molter | Posted 2010-06-29)

Everywhere you went at Summer NAMM 2010 in Nashville, it seemed you saw a lone guitarist singing into a microphone -- and heard three-part harmony coming out of the PA system. Yes, it was the show of vocal synthesizers, with Electro Harmonix, TC-Helicon and at least three other manufacturers rolling out effects boxes for vocals. Who needs backup singers when you have a box that never talks back and doesn't steal the show?
And TC-Helicon's VoiceLive Touch snagged a "Best in Show" nod from panelist Zach Phillips for its ability to seamlessly integrate itself with vocals and guitar and provide impressive, rich harmonies behind a single singer. TC-Helicon calls VoiceLive Touch a "go anywhere" vocal processor
that delivers premium quality vocal effects and VLOOP™, an
incredible performance vocal looper. This vocal processing power
sits behind one of the most innovative user interfaces ever
created. And thanks to the ingenuously integrated mic stand
mount, VoiceLive Touch is also the first vocal processor to sit
precisely where it's needed for total hands-on control – actually
on the mic stand.
With the same
modern and classic award-winning effects as its precessro, VoiceLive 2, VoiceLive Touch
features a
simple interface and design and VLOOP performance vocal looper
that sets VoiceLive Touch apart from competitors.
Interface and design
With VoiceLive Touch's innovative 'touch' interface sounds can be
changed in an instant with a tap or swipe of the smooth surface
preset slider. Search
by genre through hundreds of sounds or assemble a whole song with
your voice by creating loops.
With VLOOP VoiceLive Touch is the easiest looper for both singers
and guitarists, putting the controls at their fingertips or on
the floor with the optional Switch-3 footswitch. Get rapid access
to common loop features such as overdub, undo, and multiply. Tap
into the performance looping modes and you can create up to 25
separate loops with instant undo/redo, single shot mode and more.
It's amazing what 30 seconds of stereo looping with effects can
do to get your creativity onto the stage.
VoiceLive Touch uses the same effects engine as the
best-selling VoiceLive 2 so it contains every conceivable effect
a vocalist could wish for – and many more besides. Want to
recreate that famous effect from a favorite song? No problem.
Users can quickly store their custom sounds in one of the 25
easily accessible 'favorite' slots for easy recall. VoiceLive
Touch also has the same 'intelligent' features found on VoiceLive
2, like Adaptive Tone and NaturalPlay Harmony that simply let you
get on with the business of making great music.
VoiceLive Touch really is the first vocal effects unit designed
for every singer. They can easily mount VoiceLive Touch on their
mic stands, while keyboard vocalists can mount it next to their
keyboards. Guitarists can add the optional Switch-3 for combined
foot pedal and touch control, and computer musicians can place it
on their desktops. Basically, wherever you use your voice,
VoiceLive Touch is designed to be ready for you.
$695 US MSRP;
€470 (ex.VAT)
* VLOOP™ performance vocal looping
* Includes effects made famous by VoiceLive 2 including HardTune,
µMod, tap delay, reverb, harmony, doubling, and transducer.
* Instant touch interface with bright, easy to read, scrolling
* Global Tone feature tailors adaptive EQ, compression and de-ess
to your voice
* 8 voices of NaturalPlay harmonies controlled by guitar, MIDI,
or USB/Aux input
* Voicing buttons offer instant harmony arranging
* Ingenious design allows mic attachment and desktop use for easy
* Talk button bypasses all effects so you talk with the audience
* 25 Favorites allow you to store and recall your customized
effects quickly
* Connects to almost everything
* Aux input for your mp3 player
* MIDI in to control harmony
* 3-button footswitch input for extra control
* Studio quality mic input
* Headphone output with level control
* Guitar in and thru
* USB for audio I/O and connection to VoiceSupport for preset
management, tips & tricks, and software updates