Daisy Rock donates instruments to L.A. charity
(Dave Molter | Posted 2010-08-24)

Daisy Rock Girl Guitars continues
its philanthropic efforts to support all women who are interested in
playing guitar and enjoying music by donating instruments to local Los
Angeles charity, Covenant House California, and their musical program,
Running Wild in the Night.
Founded by Mötley Crüe’s bassist, Nikki Sixx, the Running Wild in the
Night program is one of the programs offered by Covenant House
California, providing those participants who are interested a chance
to learn, practice, and perform music. “I love what Nikki has created
with this initiative,” commented Tish Ciravolo, Daisy Rock Founder and
President. “Music is definitely one thing I run to when I have fallen
upon hard times, and it’s simply amazing to give these teens a chance
to experience what music can do for one’s life. Once I found out about
this program, there was no doubt I wanted to find some way for Daisy
Rock to help.”
The largest non-profit agency serving homeless, trafficked, and
at-risk youth in the state, Covenant House California has been
impacting the lives of more than 150,000 youths in the Hollywood area
since 1988 and the Bay Area since 1998. Open all-year round and 24
hours a day, this agency not only offers those in need a bed and a hot
meal, but also hope, education, job training, life skills, medical
attention, mental health counseling, and many opportunities to turn
their lives around. In addition to the instruments donated, all
proceeds from Daisy Rock Girl Guitars’ annual charity concert event,
Pretty in Punk, will also be given to the Running Wild in the Night
music program.
Daisy Rock Girl Guitars offers a complete line of guitars designed to
look and sound great, and to fit the female form. To learn more about
Daisy Rock Girl Guitars, visit daisyrock.com. To learn more about
Covenant House California, visit covenanthousecalifornia.org.
Daisy Rock Girl Guitars is the original girl guitar company dedicated
to successfully supplying and marketing professional quality guitars
for females of all ages. All Daisy Rock guitars are designed
specifically for the female form and feature lightweight bodies, “Slim
& Narrow” neck profiles to better fit smaller hands, and are available
in inspiring finishes.
Covenant House is the largest non-profit agency serving homeless,
trafficked and at risk youth in the country. Since 1988 in Hollywood
and 1998 in the Bay Area, Covenant House California has impacted the
lives of more than 150,000 homeless youth through its services and
facilities. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, the doors of Covenant
House California are open to youth living on the streets, offering
them not just a bed and a hot meal, but hope, education, job training,
life skills, medical attention, mental health counseling, and many
opportunities to turn their lives around. For more information on
Covenant House California, to make a donation, or to volunteer, call
(323) 461-3131 or go to www.covenanthousecalifornia.org.
From a press release.