Sabian introduces Gospel, Praise & Worship Performance Packs
(mtebaldi | Posted 2010-09-07)

Gospel and Christian music are genres that, in spite of being overshadowed by mainstream acts, generate millions of dollars to the industry. Selling over 50 million digital and physical units each year, for believers and non-believers alike it’s a market worth tapping. Sabian is doing just that by introducing two Performance Packs for Gospel, Praise & Worship, one being an AAX and the other HH/HHX cymbal combinations.
Sabian’s main goal here was to facilitate the challenge that many drummers face when performing in churches and playing dynamic Gospel music. Each Performance Pack contains a splash, hi-hats, a crash and a ride. But that’s not all! A good marketer, Sabian is throwing in with each pack an extra crash for free, making a complete cymbal set up for your drum kit. The choice of series and models is based on what has proven popular with top Gospel and Praise & Worship players including Jeff ‘Lo’ Davis, Calvin Rodgers, Brian Haley, Brian Frasier-Moore, and Ken Lewis, who because they also play various other styles also appreciate the versatility of the chosen cymbals. Each set is ‘Sonically Matched’ for sound and performance compatibility. Both sets are quality-protected by the Sabian Two-Year Warranty. They are currently price at $799.
Praise & Worship Pack 1
AAX Performance Pack for Gospel, Praise & Worship Music.
11” AAX X-Plosion Splash.
13” AAX Stage Hats.
16” AAX X-Plosion Fast Crash.
21” AAX Raw Bell Dry Ride.
BONUS 18” AAX X-Plosion Fast Crash.
Praise & Worship Pack 2
HH/HHX Performance Pack for Gospel, Praise & Worship Music.
12” HH Splash.
13” HH Fusion Hi-Hats.
16” HHX Evolution Crash.
21” HH Raw Bell Dry Ride.
BONUS 18” HHX Evolution Crash.
Cymbals in Praise & Worship Performance Sets are available in Natural Finish, or, at no extra charge, high-gloss Brilliant Finish.
For more information about the Gospel, Praise & Worship Performance packs, please visit the respective links: