Philip Stendek Wins 1st Annual Boss Loop Station National Finals
(ShackMan | Posted 2010-11-19)

Congratulations to Philip Stendak (at far left with judge) for winning the U.S. National Finals and taking home over $3,000 in Boss gear for his performance with the RC series loop pedals on October 23, just a few weeks ago! He is now on his way to the world finals, which will take place during the Winter NAMM convention in Anaheim, CA, this January. In other news, for some of you who might have missed it, there just so happens to be a competition for people who just so happen to enjoy using loop pedals. Don't worry if you're kicking yourself in the rear now; this is only the 1st annual competition, and given the turnout, I'd be willing to bet there will be more.
On October 23rd, Philip Stendek of St. Louis, Missouri; Tony Smiley from Oregon; Brenna Fitzgerald from Pennsylvania; Micah Beverly from Arizona; Brian Kerr from Ohio; and Jason Olcese from Pennsylvania all converged in Hollywood, California, at the renowned Musicians Institute where they performed original compositions showcasing their use of the Boss Loop pedals live in an effort to win a slot at the coveted World Championships. These six were selected from a three-month-long contest in which users submitted videos of their playing, using loop stations and pedals to create walls of sound through singing and playing a wide variety of instruments.
All the performers wowed the crowd and judges with their energy, creativity, and excellent musicianship. Solo fusion guitarist Frank Gambale, The Police guitarist Andy Summers, Guitar Player Editor-in-Chief Michael Molenda, The Tonight Show bassist Derrick Murdock, Guitar Institute director Jude Gold, and BOSS Corporation director Paul Youngblood judged the show and decreed that Philip Stendak should take home the grand prize. He will go on to represent the U.S. at the World Championships. Third place went to Tony Smiley, while second place went to Micah Beverly. Both runners-up received $2,000 in BOSS gear - not a bad consolation prize at all. I could probably add up $2,000 in Boss pedals I wouldn't mind having pretty easily.
Before the winners were announced, though, there was another treat in store as Frank Gambale took the stage with his band and treated the crowd to an exceptional performance.
At the close of the night, Andy Summers summed up the judges feelings this way, "It was very entertaining and instructive to be here tonight, and it was great to see all this talent. It was brutal coming to this decision, because I think all these guys are real winners.They're all great. I think we heard some really interesting music tonight, and it was very inspiring to see what you might do with these loopers."
For more information on the National Finals, World Championships or Boss Loop Stations, please visit:
James Rushin is a bassist, keyboardist, writer, and composer living and working in the Greater Pittsburgh area. He has performed with Selmer artist Tim Price, Curtis Johnson, guitarists Ken Karsh and Joe Negri. His compositions have been featured at West Virginia University and Valley Forge Christian College. He will be spending the Fall and Winter months working on a full-length album with his latest project, Shutterdown.
Got questions? Comments? Just wanna talk looping pedals or whine about how Steve Lawson wasn't there? James can be reached as ShackMan in the Music Gear Review forums, or you may e-mail him at