New model and colors for KickPort are released
(mtebaldi | Posted 2011-01-16)

KickPort, the revolutionary bass drum add-on that enhances low-end and overall tone, is expanding their color options. Until now available solely in back or white, KickPort now will be offered in chrome and gold, so any drummer’s aesthetic taste can be fully satisfied while using this sound enhancing device. Colors are not the only new addition to KickPort’s catalogue, now you can behold the one of a kind product, the CajonPort. Yes, a KickPort specially designed for Cajons.
After nearly a year of testing, now this new sound-enhancing device will be available in the market to all Cajon players. The innovative CajonPort significantly expands the presence and sonic range of virtually any Cajon. The device adds bottom and a fuller frequency spectrum while also providing greater separation between the Cajon’s bass and “snare” sounds making the bass tone significantly deeper and more like a bass drum, creating a variety of new, exciting, and musically relevant applications for the instrument.
KickPort has become an essential part for the drum set for many renowned drummers. The following statements can back up the sound improvement brought by the use of KickPort.
"The KickPort adds punch, power and low end to your kick
drum, both live and in the studio." - Kenny Arranoff
"I really love the way that the Kickport adds extra fat low end to my bass drum...Now, out of all the guys in the band, I am the LOWEST" - Greg Bissonette
"The KickPort gives more punch while adding fundamental low end to make my bass drum sound turn heads! Easy to use and hard to go without. Seriously, it was just the extra Ummfff I was looking for." – Felipe Torres
“I've always looked into ways of enhancing my bass drum sound. After being introduced to the KickPort I have found it. You can actually feel the bottom from both sides of the kick. I use it live and also in the studio. KickPort is no joke.” - Fred Dinkins
For more information about KickPort and CajonPort, please visit a press release.