TC Electronic teams with Nashville guitarists for their latest pedals
(John Gorbe | Posted 2011-05-26)

If I mention a group of guitarists to you such as Dann Huff, Audley Freed, Brian Nutter, Jerry MacPherson, Keith Gattis, Michael Britt, Pat Buchanon and Reeves Gabriels what do you immediately think of? OK, mastery of their craft and highly successful musicians ... but besides that? How about inspiring tone? All these guys have great tone and it’s always a never-ending search to find that tone we hear in our heads.
Well, TC Electronis is trying to make great tone accessible to all guitarists by allowing these great guitarists to upload TonePrints to their new line of pedals. Loading a TonePrint is like getting a whole new, customized signature pedal, but at the same time having the ultimate power to change whose signature is on it! Already you can choose between e.g. Steve Morse, Ron ‘Bumblefoot’ Thal, Joe Perry and many others, and you can download all of these TonePrints for free from their website. Of course, you'll need to buy a TonePrints pedal first. Check ou the offerings here .
When creating a personal TonePrint, the artist actually gains access to a wealth of additional effect parameters that go way beyond what is tweakable via the pedal knobs. Therefore, a TonePrint can change the fundamental sound of the pedal dramatically as it is not just a matter of storing the physical knob settings – in fact, it is more like getting a whole new, customized signature pedal, but at the same time having the ultimate power to change whose signature is on it!
Now, no less than 30 unique and stellar-sounding TonePrints have been gathered in a special ‘Nashville Bundle’ that is available as a free download on TC Electronic’s website and it contains TonePrints for all of TC Electronic’s TonePrint enabled pedals: Flashback Delay, Hall of Fame Reverb, Corona Chorus , Vortex Flanger and Shaker Vibrato.