Ready to Go Loopy? TC-Helicon wants to help
(Dave Molter | Posted 2011-07-12)

Here we go loopy loopy! TC-Helicon has launched a ‘Gone Loopy’ competition that is open to all singers with an urge for creative looping.
TC-Helicon’s ‘Gone Loopy’ competition runs from 30 June to 30 September, and the only requirements to participate is a TC-Helicon product with looping capability (VoiceLive Touch, VoiceLive 2 or the VoiceJam app for iPhone), a personal YouTube account and an open, creative mind.
The grand prize of the ‘Gone Loopy’ competition is $1,000 cash plus a 45-minute lesson via Skype with the vocal looping master, Beardyman. Additionally, there are 5 runners up prizes – a ‘mystery’ TC-Helicon product – and the 5 perticipants who upload the most video entries will also be awarded with a TC-Helicon MP-75 Modern Performance Microphone.
To enter the competition, participants just have to complete 3 simple steps. First, they must record a video of themselves creating layers of vocal loops, using a TC-Helicon looping device. Second, upload the video to a personal YouTube video channel, making sure that ‘TC-Helicon Looping’ is included in the title of the video, and third, complete the online entry form on TC-Helicon’s website. To increase the chances of winning all participants are free to loop these 3 steps as many times as they want to – a new video must be submitted each time, of course.
All winners of the competition will be selected exclusively by the amazing voice loop and human beatbox master: Darren Foreman aka ‘Beardyman’. In a way, he could be seen as the personification of TC-Helicon’s overall goal: to support all singers’ natural right to express themselves in any way they feel like. Beardyman currently uses an impressive setup of looping devices and effects when creating his layers of vocals, including several pieces of gear from the TC-Helicon family of products.
Learn more about the ‘Gone Loopy’ competition here: