Alfred Music Publishing Helps Support Deserving Students and Piano Teachers with Premier Support
(ShackMan | Posted 2011-07-22)

It is my pleasure to type up these little stories of human kindness, and anything that puts music in more children's hands is A-Okay by me. Alfred Music Publishing, the leader in educational print music publishing since 1922, proudly offers Premier Support, a program that helps teachers support deserving students with free books from Alfred’s award-winning piano method, Premier Piano Course.
Premier Support allows professional piano teachers to designate one deserving student from their respective piano studios to receive free course materials from the new Premier Piano Course Series. Developed to foster an enjoyable and rewarding music learning experience for students, Premier Support is a unique opportunity for piano teachers to encourage deserving students toward a life-long journey of music appreciation and education. The series' composers are also using a new non-position-based approach that instead uses landmarks, patterns, and ear-training to foster strong sight-readers. The books even went through the toughest testing that educational books can go through: real beginners.
"As Dennis Alexander and Martha Mier sent their new compositions to us," said E.L. Lancaster and Gayle Kawalchyk, husband-and-wife composing team at Alfred, "we also tried them with our own kids. Not surprisingly, they shared their strong opinions on what they liked and didn’t like. More than that, they suggested ideas for art and lyrics on subjects that would interest them and their friends. We also noticed a sudden pick-up in their enthusiasm for practicing and often heard our son singing and humming the pieces around the house—a strong testimonial that the music was truly outstanding and appealing."
Just go online to and start exploring! Signing up is simple. Just fill out the requisite form and decide which level your student needs (Alfred provides a handy online guide to help you). Submit online or by snail mail and wait 4-6 weeks for processing and shipping. Then simply order the next level a few weeks before your student finishes the one you've received and you're all set. This is a fantastic way to help particularly underprivileged students have access to the piano and music as a language and outlet.
And there are plenty of testimonials like this to boot: “I just received my first mailing of your Premier Support piano books . . . I can't wait to let my student and his parents know that they are the recipients of this generous program! This is such a wonderful idea to encourage music education and boost morale for both the deserving family and the piano teacher!”—Elizabeth, Virginia
The Premier Support program is only available for a limited time. Teachers must enroll by September 1, 2011 online at Ben Shannon and singer/songwriters Tim Ruff, and Nathan Zoob (who is still in the process of getting a website - Music to come soon!).
Got questions? Comments? James can be reached as ShackMan in the Music Gear Review forums, or you may e-mail him at