Alvarez AD-60SC BK Reviews  1 / 5 based on 1 reviews I bought this guitar on Music123.com after reading good reviews.....what a disappointment.
It looks nice but that and has a built in tuner...but sadly that is it.
I bought this guitar after reading all the rave reviews and I am sending it back after having it 2 days. The action is set way too low and the buzzing sound is terrible, The guitar has an overall "twang" sound to it. It is nothing as it is advertised. It sure is a pretty guitar but it plays BAD. I am very, very dissappointed. If you are looking for a full acoustic sound stay away from this guitar. It sounds like a thin body acoustic.
It is a lightweight guitar for a dreadnaught. It would need many adjustments to make the sound and neck to body ratio right.
Like I said above this guitar is a let down. Save your money saty away from this guitar. I dont know what the people who gave it positive rating were listening to. If you like a guitar that has a nice full acoustic sound buy something else. W. David rated this unit  on 2004-01-29.
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