Alvarez AD60SCBK Reviews 5

I was actually in a guitar store looking for an Ovation CS257 and came across this guitar, played it, and bought it instead. They had $380 on the tag, but I found it online for $350, and they matched it.

Everything. This guitar is amazing. For the price, you won't find a better sounding guitar. The built in System 600T electronics are wonderful. It even has a built in tuner with remarkable accuracy. They also come standard with Elixir Light Polyweb strings, which only improves the sound.

Actually, I wish it would have came with a manual explaining the System 600T a little better. However, on the Alvarez web site you can find the manual in Adobe Acrobat format, which does a marginal job explaining the 600T. Also I'm more of a fan of the bridges without pins to hold the strings in, similar to what Ovation uses. But that's just a personal preference, there's nothing wrong with the bridge on this Alvarez by any means.

The instrument seems to be constructed well. I have had the guitar about 5 weeks, and I've had no problems with it except breaking a string. This guitar sounds every bit as good as my Ovation 1667 Balladeer, which sold new for twice the price.

Whether you're learning guitar, play at your house for enjoyment, or are a professional musician, this guitar will suit your needs.

Dave rated this unit 5 on 2003-11-17.

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