Blueridge BR343 Reviews  4 / 5 based on 1 reviewswww.chrisbsmusic.com
$499 w/case
slim neck, nice east indian rosewood
fingerboard, bridge, and bridge plate.
The fingerboard is inlaid with "The Trinity" inspired fret position markers of mother-of-pearl.
The peghead comes with a completely original,"cross and chalice" inlay of abalone and mother-of-pearl, in keeping with the Gospel theme
Wish it came in Natural finish, I like the sunburst on it, but I would prefer natural.
Select, solid spruce top with classic forward-X pattern, hand-carved parabolic braces
High-gloss, vintage sunburst finish top
Choice solid mahogany sides and back
Dovetail neck joint
Slim mahogany neck with adjustable truss rod
East Indian Rosewood fingerboard, bridge, and bridge plate
nice "000" acoustic guitar.
ralph1 rated this unit  on 2004-04-02.
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