Fender DG8S ReviewsGreat value. I could have bought on line and got it a bit cheaper but I would suggest like owning a good car, you need a go to guy and the location has one. This will last and be past on to others and still hold up well. My gibson lasted close to 25 years and sounded better at the end then in the begging. Good guitars made of quality wood ju... [read more on Audiofanzine] Jim K rated this unit on 2009-11-19.For 150 bucks including tax, new strings and setup (very slightly used) I had to take it. I play it every night. I've had two Martins since '63, and believe it or not, I'm just as satisfied with this. It doesn't have a "butter" tone, nor does it sound like a Taylor, Bourgeois, Collings ..., but for the price it's perfect for me. [read more on Audiofanzine] charlie rated this unit on 2008-02-14.More Fender Acoustic_Guitars |
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