Gretsch 5030 Rancher Dreadnought Reviews 4

play guitar for about a year and a half. i use to be into punk getting more into classic rock and alternative

i live in houston, tx and i one day i was bored and i drove passed this guitar shop. i went in and there it was. i paid 260.00 cash for it.

Just the way it looked. Tabacco sunburst, diamond shaped sound hole. a little different then most dreadnoughts.

i saw this little sticker on the back "Made in Korea"

its built pretty good and sounds good. the action is a tad high

Like i said, i really like how it looks and sounds. Im just worried about the whole made in korea thing. Im not sure if its all wood. i mean i saw inside of the soundhole the wood grain. I dont know much about korean manufacturing

sickboy rated this unit 4 on 2006-03-10.

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