Gretsch G3100 Hawaiian Tobacco Sunburst Reviews Walked into guitar shop and saw this baby looking at me screaming to be taken home. Thought it had a, antinque, unique and beautiful look which I have rarely seen. Was curious to see how good Gretsch Electro Acoustics are.
Played it and was awestruck with it. Such a crisp, bright sound sound. Through an amp, the sound is great. A superior pickup which needs a good amp to cater for it's quality. Non of the strings or notes are unaudible including the bottom strings which often suffer with electro acoustics. Compared it to my Takemine ESF10C and it ran rings around it in my view. Did a straight swap.
A very superior guitar. In my view it has no faults. I think this is the ultimate pickers guitar olthough it does lend itself to strumming with a little tweaking of amp settings. Very suprior pickup. I like Gretsch's confidence in the pickup by not including an EQ in the guitar which is really not necessary. Action on strings is low to medium. I love this guitar. It is the first guitar I've had which I've been truly happy with. My soul mate. rated this unit![]() |
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