Ibanez JX70 -TDB1201 Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI was lucky and found this well maintained acoustic/electric guitar on eBay for a total purchase price of $171.00 including shipping, handling, insurance etc. (case not included) It was delivered with a new set of Martin & Co. Acoustic SP Custom Light strings in the package ready to be installed.
I own five electric guitars and have played on and off over the past 20 years. This was really my first acoustic but I wanted something that would be easy to transition to from an electric and the JX70 was it! I have it plugged into a Fender Super Twin Reverb and it sounds GREAT! The AEQ3m EQ includes: high-mid-low, volume slides, and a 1-2 level knob and a phase button. Oh, its not bad unplugged either! Not bad for under $200
What's not to like? Ok, I don't understand why this guitar and so many other acoustics don't have a strap button? Almost everyone ends up adding one after the fact.
I also don't like the Ibanez logo on the head unit, I know Ibanez can do much better that this. Now, I'm getting a bit too picky?
The guitar is a beautiful transparent blue/green with ivory colored trim. It’s made up of a mahogany body and mahogany neck with a rosewood fret board, it also has an arched ash top.
I was surprised that a guitar made in China would have this level of quality.
I would have to say the quality is pretty good compared to any acoustic guitar for less than $500.
This guitar is discontinued. However ,if you look carefully you may be able to find one for around $200 as well.
I highly recommend this guitar to add to anyone's collection.
ARichards rated this unit  on 2003-10-07.
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