Ovation Baladeer S771 Reviews  4 / 5 based on 1 reviews$650 including hard case at Guitar Center.
Superb sound, both acoustic and amplified. Neck design makes for really easy playing; easier than many quality electircs. Simple satin finished spruce top looks great.
The trademark Ovation roundback design takes a bit of getting used to - initially tends to slip off your lap when playing. Not a problem after a short while.
Solid spruce top. Quality finish (US made). Worth getting the genuine Ovation hard case - fits better than cheaper generic makes.
Have had this for a year now, and it is still a joy to take it up and play. I believe this is the best value for money in its price range. You'd have to spend $1,000 plus to get a noticable improvement in my view. TOCU rated this unit  on 2004-01-27.
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