Ovation Celebrity CC026-4 Reviews  4 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI bought he guitar at gutar center in lombard, IL. I paid $299.00 for it, and decided on it because I was a begginer at the time(sort of), and I wanted a guitar that would be easier to play the tough stuff on(i.e. barre chords)
very friendly neck- the begginer will have no trouble with this piece. It gives a decent sound unplugged, although in a confined setting it may seem a little grainy. plugged in it rips like you wouldn't believe- it is all I've ever wanted in an acoustic-electric. good quality pick-up that lets you explore your band's sound.
not much. the synthetic/rounded back makes it hard to play sitting down(the guitar tends to slip). thats about all. its a great guitar
great- it seems to be an instrument that will last for years, despite the synthetic back.
this guitar rocks. im very pleased with it it. pepe de chicago rated this unit  on 2002-02-12.
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