Takamine Jasmine S-35 Reviews Purchased at retail music store, Endless Music, Tunkhannock PA. Wanted to learn how to play the guitar. I am a pianist. I paid $99.00 + sales tax. If you are looking for a quality entry level guitar, or a second guitar for not a lot of money, this has to be one of the best entries in that category. Nice tone, good projection, aesthetically pleasing to look at. You can't go wrong with this piece. Mark Swan rated this unit![]() Randy's Music Mart. Wife got it for me, as a Christmas gift, to replace my black Ibanez, that I pawned back in 94' or 95'.(Big, Big mistake!!) I believe she paid $189 for the Takamine Jasmine almost three years ago. Salesman said he would put it up against an Ibanez any.( umm.....I don't think so) Good guitar for beginner if you have long fingers. Bar chords were very hard for me to fret on this guitar. This buzzing kept throwing me off on the chords. This guitar is fine for those whom already have have the xperience playing and their fingers and wrist can stretch. Playability is very hard for short extensions.Unless you have some long and strong fingers, this would be hard for a beginner. Try an Ibanez or something with easier fretting and longer lasting, with clear tones. It's worth paying another hundred or $150 for a little higher quality. This one is great for just horsing around, but that's about it! Lance Saaristo rated this unit![]() Bought for $99.00 from Musicians Friend. I decided at the ripe old age of 35 to learn to play the guitar. I had actually ordered another, but since it was taking so long, I ordered this one off the internet. I would definitely recommend this guitar for beginners and experienced players alike. Jeff rated this unit![]() I bought this guitar at a music store when I was looking to purchase a new acoustic guitar. I pai about 299.00 If you are looking for a begginer guitar, or just one to play around the house this guitar is perfect Mikel Collins rated this unit![]() I was looking for a cheap guitar to learn on. I searched around the web and eventually found this guitar on E-bay for $77.00 (new). I bought this particular guitar because it seemed to be the best quality for the least amount of money. All in all, this is an good guitar. All of my guitar-playing friends are jealous of this guitar because it sounds good and also the price. I reccomend this for beginners who want to learn to play, and for experienced players who want a guitar that they can throw in the back of their car (who needs a case!?) and mess around with. Alex Overall rated this unit![]() More Takamine Acoustic_Guitars |
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