Bartolini J-1 Jazz PUs ReviewsBlack, with hidden [covered] pole slugs. These are the 4-string set and I have them in a passive mahogany FL4 and in an active bubinga FL4, for olde skool fingerstyle play in small venues, not a loud band ... so I actually *hear* my PU's, strings, etc. I have the Dimarzio Ultra Jazz side-by-side humbucker jazz PU's in another passive bass, and these Bartolinis are much better for my taste. I like an olde skool tone. These really deliver it. I'm rating them a '4' cuz they're better than the Dimarzios, but not going to a '5' cuz it's hard to imagine what would be so special about a PU to rate a '5'. So I call it a '4' but I really dig them and have no complaints. Maybe someone else calls that '5' ? Golem rated this unit on 2010-08-10.More Bartolini Bass_Guitar_Accessories |
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