Gator GRR4 - Rolling Rack Reviews 2

Needed a rackmount case for my DP4 effects as well as a Hartke 3500 Bassamp, so, after years of using SKB, I made the mistake of going to Discount Music in Orlando FL and handing over $100.00 plus tax for my first rolling case.

I liked the fact it came with lots of plastic washers to protect the gear from rack rash. I was attracted to the seemingly thicker plastic walls vs other consumer level cases. They use a gasket inside the lid trim to keep out stray water when your case is sitting on the tarmac in the rain.

Where do I start? Gator is representative of a combination of: you get what you pay for and murphy's law. 1) The latch keys stretched out to the point where they just flop looses after locking the lids on 6- 8 times. 2) The latch keys are on the main body - not the lids - bad idea - as the can gouge whatever you set the unit on as well as add to the stree of the already weak little mechanisms. 3) The retractable handle broke on about the 5th time I retracted it. IT is a cheap plastic handle screwed into square telescoping pieces of metal that give it the convenience that many travelers have enjoyed with their luggage over the years. 4)The retracting mechanism always jammed. 5) The case is almost as big as a 6space non shock case 6) The Hartke amp was always out of commission ( bad power bridge or something), so I didn't use the case more than 5 or 6 times playing out, so at about month 14 - the piece of crap broke. I contacted Discount Music while I was on the road - they said bring it in, which I did. They said they would see about getting me a replacement as the case is in great shape minus the crappy latches and broken handle. After being out on tour, I called back about 2 months later - they said it was out of warranty. 7)I haven't spoken to Gator direct and may try that angle, but as far as dealer support - forget it.

The plastic seems resilient. The aluminum wraps have an rubber gasket, however the lid trim doesn't consistently run parallel to the case trim, so the seal isn't as good as it could be. The latches suck. They are made out of what must be 24k gold, because I can bend 'em with my bare fingers. The retractable handle - well, I said it above. Not good enough to be classified as crap - crap actually serves a purpose.

When I fly I always have a US luggage rolling laptop bag that is always loaded with about 40lbs of gear, manuals, box cutters and finger nail clippers. I have drug it around for about 18 months and it is solid. I used the Gator case only a few times, loaded with apx 40lbs and it deteriorated with each use. If you just want a non rolling rack case - Gator would be allright if SKB wasn't available - but DO NOT BUY the roller cases. - Unless you want to buy mine - cheap.........

St. Catherine rated this unit 2 on 2004-11-11.

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