SKB Fender Universal Case Reviews  4 / 5 based on 1 reviewsThese are the latest and well greatest (not to my standards) cases that Fender is including with their American made series of guitars and basses.
I reluctantly got this case with my 2010 Fender Precision bass with S-1 Switching which is a great bass that I will review in a moment, but man I wish I could have gotten molded cases that they used since the 90s.
I bought a Fender Precision bass in the beautiful Candy Cola finish online and had my fingers crossed that I would get a molded case but nope. OK I'll lighten. This case is made by SKB for Fender. If you want to buy just the case, it sells new for $130 from most online shops.
It does what it should protect my bass. The latches are plastic, yet claim to be metal reinforced (I haven't inspected them too closely) The latches are TSA approved. I have not flown with this bass yet, but I assume that means this case can handle any sort of abuse.
I prefer the molded cases. They are easier to carry than the rectangular shaped case. Less bulky, less weight and you don't feel like you'll blow over in a windstorm.
Hey the bright side is I can use this case to block the doorway when I need to keep my dog out of the family room!
It it is a well built case. I like what SKB has done. The inside is soft and fits my Fender Precision bass like a glove.
I miss the molded cases, but Fender and SKB designed a nice case for the 2010 and newer models of the American series. Billy rated this unit  on 2011-03-17.
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