Behringer BX600 Reviews 5

Behringer BX600

This amp, for the price, is AWESOME. It's loud, sturdy, flexible, and portable. If you're looking for a small gig amp that won't let you down, this is the one for you. Compared to my friend's Carvin 8x10 stack, it's not loud or anything, but that's hardly fair to compare it to a stack. I'd say that if you put this next to an SWR LA-15, th... [read more on Audiofanzine]

Zeppelin Fanatic rated this unit 5 on 2005-02-02.

I am proud of this amp. It has 60 watts of bass power. It produces a wide variety of sounds. And I think it will last a good long while. It is nearly the best $139.99 that a bassist can spend. [read more on Audiofanzine]

Allen rated this unit 5 on 2003-09-28.

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