Genz Benz Shuttle 3.0 Head ReviewsIt's tiny, under 3 lb, and so I was tempted to trade in my Ampeg Portabass 250. I play smallish venues, generally without drums, so I can realistically hope to get the size and weight of my rig to approach zero :-) Some will say 'The Shuttle is a clean neutral amp, so comparing it to an Ampeg is almost an apples vs oranges mismatch.' Just to be clear, I loooove my AI Clarus2, which IS a clean neutral amp, and a far cry from an Ampeg. But the Clarus2 sound has everything that the Shuttle 3.0 sound lacks. I just happened to compare the Shuttle to the Ampeg cuz I had the Ampeg with me for a trade-in. The Ampeg is NOT my holy grail or I wouldn't consider trading it away. So, with an open mind, and as a user of a similar type of amp [my AI Clarus2], I rate the Genz Benz Shuttle 3.0 as a '2'. All that prevents me from giving it a '1' is that it did not burst into flames or electrocute me. A '3' would be 'average and OK' which is higher than I can rate the Shuttle 3.0. So it gets a '2' [barely]. Golem rated this unit on 2010-02-05.More Genz Benz Bass_Guitar_Amplifiers |
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