Carlo Robelli Acoustic Bass Guitar Reviews 5

I got this bass for $300 at Sam Ash. Little pricy i think, but maybe i'm a cheep @$$.

The Bass is a sleek, jet black with a tan outlining on the body. It has a Brilliant Bright Sound, that propells like no other acoustic bass i've seen. The Neck is sleek and the bass doubles as an acoustic/electric Bass. The head Piece has a cool carved design as well

The only problem with the bass is that there is no strap holders, because the input plug doubles as the bottom strap thing. if you wanna get stap knobs put in, you have to buy the fake ones by martin and Co or have them installed in. Either or, its more money. (I'm such a cheap @$$)

I've only ha the bass a month or 2 but its a strong bass and has nice sound from what i hear and see for now

All in All, The bass is a great acoustic to use while chlling out or maybe doing an unplugged special! The bass is really good

Sean Rubin rated this unit 5 on 2003-12-05.

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