Cort Curbow Retro Reviews 4

$199 (plus S&H) on ebay.

I was looking for a cheap, lightweight bass I could knock about with. Something sturdy with a good sound, but not requiring inordinate amounts of pampering. This bass did it for me. As with all curbows (the Corts, at least), it's light, the neck is easy for playing - a good thing, since I have small hands - and the sound is great. I play through a Vox T-60 and it's clear, stays in tune and the lows are super-sweet. Active pickup too! People have complained about the curve of the Curbows being too uncomfortable, especially for sitting. The Retro does not have the extreme curves of regular Curbows, so it makes sit-down playing easier. and oh yeah, it looks pretty cool too - sunburst with white pickguard.

Problems with intonation, which can easily be rectified. I can't really complain. Besides...for $199, who would? Nothing major, just needs a change of strings.

There's a buzz coming from somewhere in the headstock that I still have to locate. Apart from that, it's solid. I travel with it everywhere, and it holds up really well.

A great bass, especially for beginners or intermediate players, or just to have as a backup. I play in a band, and so this bass goes everywhere with me. It really holds up well, and any problems are of the fixable kind. Visually, I get a lot of compliments (about the bass, not me!). Definitely worth a look.

Jojo rated this unit 4 on 2005-02-24.

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