Dean Edge 4 Reviews 4

Dean Edge 4

all in all, it is a good bass. I don't think I would buy anything else if I was starting out. I figure I will go after a higher quality one when I get better though. But this is a good bass that can hold it's own rather well. Beleive me I tried every kind of bass from an Ibenaz to yamaha this one works well for a starter to intermediate. I... [read more on Audiofanzine]

rated this unit 4 on 2004-11-18.

all in all, it is a good bass. It is a good bass to start out with but it is able to hold it's own if you have to wait to get another upgrade. [read more on Audiofanzine]

rated this unit 4 on 2004-09-27.

if there is any way you could help me to win a 5 or 6 string please contact me. [read more on Audiofanzine]

Barry Garvey rated this unit 4 on 2004-08-24.

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