Fender American Fretless Jaco Jazz Bass Reviews  3 / 5 based on 1 reviewsThis is the Jaco Pastorius Fretless made by Fender. This is what I'd call 'the American Standard' Jaco bass. It has his name engraved on the neck plate and it is not pre-beat up.
I had some time to kill and I spent it by playing this bass at my local Sam Ash. I played it through a Hartke kickback combo with the EQ mostly flat because I was interested in hearing what this bass could do. Brand new the price is a whopping $1799.99
Cosmetically it is really accurate to the vintage Jazz Basses that Jaco used to play and perform with. I'm talking about: reverse style tuners, clay dots, Telecaster knobs, fret markers that line up with the fret markers, a grounding plate that travels above the bass from the bridge pickup to the bridge as well as the bass comes with an optional pickguard.
The tone did nothing me. Granted I was playing it in a store and using a different cable and amp, but no matter how much I dug into it I got a very one dimensional tone. Who knows, maybe it will open up with age?
Hats off to Fender for making an era correct looking bass. I think I listed most of the info applicable up in the positive features.
The body is alder, the neck is maple, the fretboard is rosewood. It is a fretless with lines.
Well it was a cool looking and feeling bass, but the tone didn't speak to me. Billy rated this unit  on 2011-04-18.
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