First Act Electric Bass Guitar Reviews 5 / 5 based on 2 reviewsI purchased my bass guitar at Walmart for 186 dollars and it came with a 15 watt amp which is cool. I bought it because I wanted to learn how to play a new instrument.
I like the amp and how the guitar looks. For that price, it looks really good.
I don't like how when I play the 4th string, it rattles. The strings are pretty crappy, so I would suggest to anybody who buys one, get new strings put on.
It has a long neck, 4 strings, it's blue, and has white in the middle. The quality is good when it's hooked up to the amp because you can't hear the rattling that much.
rocker chic rated this unit on 2004-09-03. I got my bass for Christmas, but my grandparents couldnt wait and I got it early It was about $200 and it came from Wal Mart
My amp has 15 watts the guitar is cool, it is very loud too
the strings are very bad. whenever I play the first 4 frets it will make a weird sound.
It is a very light guitar that is pretty good
I think this is a good bass guitar for any beginners or intermediates, but you will need new strings JOEY LEAD SINGER AND BACKUP BASS FOR RAOA rated this unit on 2003-11-23.
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