Galveston Silver Fleck Reviews 5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI got it at a local crappy guitar store called Papa Blues. At first he was gonna charge $400 and im like no way a**hole. We finally bargained the deal to $280. I was in a hurry so i just said yes but now that i look back im glad i bought it.
I like everything! it weighs like 10 pounds, the curves are smooth and fit to anypart of your body(depending on strap length), and the sound is incredible. Four knobs include Volume, Bass, Treble, and Something else im not sure. If you pull the volume button up the bass enters overdrive mode powered by a 9-volt battery.
nothing is bad on it. The strings aren't the best but are playable until new strings can be afforded.
This is a solid little beast. Detachable neck held on by four screws. Nice looking tuner heads; not those big squier pieces of crap. Shiny gold paint covers the body.
I know of only two pros who use Galveston. Pig benis of Mushroomhead has a violet 5-string and Oliver Riedel of Rammstein had a black 4-string. Flakesonne rated this unit on 2004-01-08.
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