Ibanez BTB405QMGB-TK Reviews  4 / 5 based on 2 reviewsI bought this bass on credit from Sound Control in Glasgow, and was given it for £425, despite it retailing at £469. I tried out several 4-string basses and had virtually decided on an Ibanez ATK when a member of staff said I would be better off buying a 5-string, as it would give me more options when making note choices. This was the second 5-string I tried (I first tried an Ibanez SRX- are you seeing a patern here?) and I loved everything about it
In no specific order: The stunning finish (trans-black gloss over quilted maple), shallow neck, unbelievable mid-range, nice effect which can be gained by moving frequency selector during long notes, shape, bridge, pickups, action
Although I had no complaints initially, there are some minor problems: it can be trickey to get consistent tone across all 5 strings, and you can often be left struggling to overcome tinny highs (especially on open D and G) or muddy lows (only really a problem on the low frets on B). Also, every little mark shows up on the high-gloss finish and, as noted in other reviews, this bass is VERY heavy. These problems are only minor, but enough to lose it some points. Look at my 4 star rating as a 4.5
I would say the construction of this bass is virtually flawless. The jack lock can be annoying at times, but is an extremely useful addition, and will doubtless prevent many embarassing situations during gigs in future. The body in sturdy, the finish looks pretty damage resistant and the tuning mechanisms, bridge and controls are all solid and responive
If you like impressive basses that make people notice you, you'll like this. If you can work out how to get your ideal tone and can handle the extra weight, it is extremely rewarding to play and is an easy guitar to pick up and play if you're moving from a 4 string to a 5 Stephen McLaughlin rated this unit  on 2003-02-09. I bought this bass on credit from Sound Control in Glasgow, and was given it for £425, despite it retailing at £469. I tried out several 4-string basses and had virtually decided on an Ibanez ATK when a member of staff said I would be better off buying a 5-string, as it would give me more options when making note choices. This was the second 5-string I tried (I first tried an Ibanez SRX- are you seeing a patern here?) and I loved everything about it
In no specific order: The stunning finish (trans-black gloss over quilted maple), shallow neck, unbelievable mid-range, nice effect which can be gained by moving frequency selector during long notes, shape, bridge, pickups, action
Although I had no complaints initially, there are some minor problems: it can be trickey to get consistent tone across all 5 strings, and you can often be left struggling to overcome tinny highs (especially on open D and G) or muddy lows (only really a problem on the low frets on B). Also, every little mark shows up on the high-gloss finish and, as noted in other reviews, this bass is VERY heavy. These problems are only minor, but enough to lose it some points. Look at my 4 star rating as a 4.5
I would say the construction of this bass is virtually flawless. The jack lock can be annoying at times, but is an extremely useful addition, and will doubtless prevent many embarassing situations during gigs in future. The body in sturdy, the finish looks pretty damage resistant and the tuning mechanisms, bridge and controls are all solid and responive
If you like impressive basses that make people notice you, you'll like this. If you can work out how to get your ideal tone and can handle the extra weight, it is extremely rewarding to play and is an easy guitar to pick up and play if you're moving from a 4 string to a 5 Stephen McLaughlin rated this unit  on 2003-02-09.