Ibanez GTR50 4-string bass Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsThis was my first guitar, I wanted to play bass and was looking to buy one. I got desperate and started looking on Ebay and found a bass that was only $125.00 and looked great.
What I like about this unit is when I bought it, I just thought it was going to be just a regular bass. Then when I recieved it, I started researching it and found out that the bass was made in 1980 it is 24 years old and looks brand new. I also like the custum candy apple green sparkle finish.
It is a 4-String Bass with stock pickups, it has a bolt on neck and a volume and tone knob. It is a great bass! Very nice sound
If you find a GTR50 selling for cheap, buy it, it will be well worth it. Steve H. rated this unit  on 2004-08-19.
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