Ibanez SR640BK Reviews 
5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI bought this bass at The Bass Place in AZ over the internet for $359. I had tried one out in a horrible Titanium Ice color at a local music store in NY and knew I had to have one. An exhaustive search turned this one up in AZ. The bass was discontinued in the US in 2001, but a few new ones are still around.
This bass has the sweetest neck I have ever touched. I have relatively short fingers, so I need smaller frets and a thinner neck to reach all the notes comfortably, which I can do with this stick. Plus, with the active electronics and light weight, it offers everything you could ever want in a bass at an incredibly reasonable price.
The color choices were the previously mentioned Titanium Ice (yuck) and Black. Althought the black is sharp, it shows every fingerprint, kinda like a black car. Keep it clean and it's fine, though.
It's built like a tank. Solid and substantial, without being heavy. The balance is perfect. The finish is mirror like and the hardware is first rate. Ibanez deserves all kinds of credit for their detail to workmanship, at least on these Japanese made instruments.
I'm sure the newer SR400 or 800 series, which are similar to tis model are just as sweet, but it's too bad they don't sell the 640 in the US anymore. For anyone looking for a pro quality bass at a discounted, closeout price, this baby is worth searching for.
TheHands rated this unit
