Jim Dyson 98 Soul Bass Reviews 4

I had joined a new band (The Alice, Mia Dyson) and I needed a new bass, the one I was using at the time was a bit tired and not worth the money to refit and repair. I was thinking of getting a stingray but upon learning that Mia's father was a guitar maker my thoughts shifted. Jim offered one of his other bass guitars for me to play at a gig that we had. I instantly fell in love with its sustain and tone, this bass had miles of bottom end, it was truly evil. I had made up my mind, I asked jim to make a bass for me, naturally he was only to happy to oblige. The one he made for me is a little different to other soul bass's he makes. My soul bass has the Jazz neck, an eligant taper which makes playing sooooooo ezy, a pezio bridge pick up, stereo output and my customised colour with mother of pearl scratch board.

I love the bottom end, this bass has miles of it, I love the sustain, the neck is so slender. I used flat wound string on my dyson soul bass, these strings combined with the design of the guitar (its hollow chambers) make my bass sound like no other I have ever heard. She is as smooth as silk in the tone depart ment and in recordings sound techs never have to eq her, shes a phat bass. The pezios on the bridge give her a real woody tone, the bridge pickup can be used fee standing or together with the two bar pick ups (think Jazz fenders) With round wound strings this bass jumps into life, she's as bright and bouncey as a three week old puppy. The two pick ups have four pick up selections this gives more than enough sound selections, I mainly use the front pick up.

its obvious flaw is cosmtics. The rosewood fretboard is a little on the noisey side, is sometimes a problem when recording.

The construction is A grade. You gotta see this neck to believe it. I've had my dyson bass for 5 years now and only one chip in the piant work.

If your looking for a sound that seperates you from the countless others out there then a Jim dyson Soul bass is for you. shes seductive, shes sexxy, she has the sound of an angle, very adaptable, light weight (hollow chambers) great after care service.

Scott (Lex) rated this unit 4 on 2003-01-02.

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