Kramer Striker 522S Reviews  5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsWell it all started out by me going to a freinds church to see this new bass. So when i got there, i played and i feel in love. I meet the owner the next day and he said that he would sell it to me for $285 dollers. I got the bass because its action quit low and it is fulley ajustible for just in case i want to change it back.
I love the finger board (24 fret;Indian Rose wood). It is really easy to move up and down the neck. I also feel in love with the way it would slap. It pickups are amazing. It has two hums. The tuning machines are awsome. It is very easy to tune. I enjoy the MasterTone Push/Pull "Rail Tapping". I also enjoy the bridge.
Well there is not much to like about this bass. The only problem, which doesent make a difference in the sound, is the paint. It has a couple of wavy marks in the finish. That is the only thing that i could find wrong with this bass.
It has a bolt on neck with a North American Alder body. I think that this guitar will last me a long time. The quality is great!!!
This is an awsome bass and should be added to any bass players collection. Jake Wilmot (punk rawk still lives) rated this unit  on 2002-12-11.
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