Washburn AB-20 Fretless Acoustic Dreadnaught Reviews$390 from Daddy's Junky Music, with HSC
[chipboard type] and a long scratch on
the front [uglee is cheaper ....] It's got a really great sound with nylon covered strings. Has proved durable so far for what play time it gets due to its size and feedback. Mostly I play thin body ABGs. The AB20 is plenty loud for practice when unplugged, but no AGB can play in a band unplugged, thus I prefer the thin bodies. But, the AB-20 has a plainly woody-er more acoustic tone when amped, compared to the semi-acoustic types, so I have no plans right now to retire it. It works best in a small ensemble where it's not too crowded for the big box and where sound pressure is not always above feedback level. The only reason I'm not rating it a "5" is because I know the sound of the super-huge Talyor ABGs, in a class of their own. The Washburn would be a "5" if I'd never heard the Taylor. Golem rated this unit on 2003-12-17.More Washburn Bass_Guitars |
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