Pearl Eliminator Hi-Hat Stand Reviews
5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsBought on ebay for around $130 + shipping. Was opened but had never been used, so it was quite a deal.
Consistent, amazing, and truely everything you would want in a hi-hat stand. It is a 2 leg, so it accomdates Double Pedal/Double Bass, plus both legs can rotate to any desired position. Different inserts for whichever pedal action you desire: be it loose, quick, fast, etc.
I have no complaints, although some might find it heavy and bulky, esp. if gigging consistently, it would be a pain to have to move around alot.
It is a pro-quality stand, enough said. Built like a tank, I don't see it breaking any time soon.
If you can afford it, I would highly recommend this stand. Good action, durability, the works.
grEg rated this unit