Zildjian Z Custom Hi-Hat Pair Reviews
5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI paid around $210 for this cymbal becaue it was around the time it first came out, they're around $190 now
LOUD! LOUD! LOUD! I usually always play with open hi-hat action rather than closed, and i love how it sounds, and it is the most beautiful looking thing i've ever had (while it's polished), and even in closed or half-shut, it sounds beyond the greatness of any other cymbal because of its ping noise along with a crashing effect that amplifies the sound of its vibrations, and it will vibrate for minutes until you close or stop it. These cymbals are so loud i cannot even hear my guitarists amps, which are both 120watts 4 speakers. Sounds beautiful any way you play it, and i love double-rolling on it, i love the ting noise!
It's too good for my drumset.
Perfect construction quality, they're made with laser technology to make those little craters which at the same time help with the cymbals sound. They are made out of 80% copper, 20% tin, and some silver here and there.
DAMN IT JUST BUY THE FRICKIN' THING! YOU'LL LOVE IT GUARANTEED! And for you heavy rockers, expect to be pleased with it's noise, jazz musicians be happy with your choice and everyone be treated good.
imshirazy rated this unit