DW All Maple DW Drums w/ Satin Oil Finish Reviews 2 / 5 based on 1 reviewsSam Ash--Paid $3,200
Oil finish is different, lugs are cool design. Snare drum was 5.5 x 14" and was really nice. Good design on cymbal stands and series 7000 bass pedal the best.
Very dissapointed with maple shells for this type of money. Sounded like a basic Keller maple shell-okay but to wide open and sounded like semi-pro drums with overing unless muffled. My Premeier Artist maple and Pearl maple masters absolutely sound better. Wanted a DW kit just to say I had one--now its taking up room not being played. Inferior durabilty on the oil finish--scratch them and that's it--discoloration galore!
Oil finish NOT durable. Nothin special about quality of maple drums. Snare made well. Harware good.
Not worth over the price of a good pearl or tama kit. To really get a nice 'handmade sounding' all maple kit, go for the artist maples by premier-very special. depechedrums rated this unit on 2002-06-11.
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