Evans Blue Hydraulic Heads Reviews 5 / 5 based on 1 reviewsI bought a 14' tom head for a snare drum, 12", 13",16" tom heads for aboout 10-20 dollars a head
they sound awesome when tuned down really low. They are extremely fat, and with the blueness I think it looks really cool. I put a tom on my snare drum and its really loud and all of my friend drummers love it too. These heads are awesome
They are hard to find because they're blue. But special order them
they are awesome i know you're supposed to change them a lot but i've had these for three years and they are still as fat as ever. My snare drum i tune extremely tight so its starting to get a little dead but after 3 years this is awesome
These are the best they have them in clear and black so if you don't like the blueness get the others. laurathecoconut rated this unit on 2004-03-27.
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