Evans Hydraulic Heads Reviewsi bought my heads through a drum magizine i order from. Drums in the wind. I bought these because i dont like remo's they wear out too fast and dont hold a good sound except for about a month and i needed more. I tried a evans hydraulic and now i'm hooked. They're durable, have a great fat/wet tone and hold a sound for a long time. (i have one on my main tom thats 3 years old and u cant tell its more than a month) they have a layer of oil between the 2 plys which is great, and now my whole set is dressed in them. overall i would recomend evans over anyother head. and for my bands music, nullify(insert cheep advertising) it sounds great. check us out at http://nullify.fateback.com Shane-o rated this unit on 2002-10-06. |
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